The actor admitted he was thrilled to see Baby Yoda was still going to be part of the cast going forward, he told the convention: “My heart just exploded inside my body”.ĭuring the weekend event, there was also a panel dedicated to new Disney+ show ‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’ featuring lead actor Ewan McGregor and his co-star Hayden Christensen. Maybe I should have one.”ĭuring the event on Saturday (28.06.22), a teaser trailer for the upcoming third season of ‘The Mandalorian’ was screened and it showed Pedro’s character reunited with Baby Yoda. To see a child love his father like that – I get it. Speaking at the ‘Star Wars’ Celebration at the Anaheim Convention Center in Califorinia, he explained: “It’s the closest I’ve ever come to being a dad – so far, anyway.
Now Pedro, 47, has revealed he’s developed a close emotional connection with Grogu and it’s made him want to start a family. The actor plays the lead role of Din Djarin in the ‘Star Wars’ spin-off TV show with his character becoming the guardian of a foundling child named Grogu, who has been nicknamed Baby Yoda by fans because of his resemblance to the iconic character.
‘ The Mandalorian‘ star Pedro Pascal has been considering becoming a first-time dad since he started working with Baby Yoda.